Secrets from Louisiana

So glad you have stopped by for a visit. We have many secrets here in Louisiana. We are a quilters haven because of all the interesting things we have in our environment to see, smell,taste and feel. Our flowers are like perfume in the evening and the colors explode in your eyes. Our seafood is the best in the world and is bountiful from the Gulf.

The palette is non stopping.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another Day

We will have supper with our grandchildren tonight, I am so excited. Every three weeks isn't enough.This is a little something extra!! The Rally is okay, nothing to rave about except Steve and I and Dixie are all together.

I did 2 crafts today, a pin cushion and a fabric box and I hung the pink quilt from my bed in the coach in the quilt show this morning. Saturday I will be going to the Red River Quilt Show, nice little extra.

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rally Activity

Good morning, late start for as my computer didn't link up with a wireless. I am using DH computer. It was 53 degrees this morning and heated up to the mid 80's. We have enjoyed being in the coach relaxing. Tomorrow we are taking Melissa, Nicolas and Naomi out to supper at the Cracker Barrel.I made new pillow cases for them and gathered some Halloween fun stuff,I put them in purple pumpkins. Are you surprised???

I will try to post everyday >

Hugs Patticake

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ready to Roll

We or should I say Steve is loading all the packed items in the bus so I can go over and put it all away. Takes a lot to move in for a week as I take everything pre cooked so I don't have to waste time cooking when I can relax. Mama taught me well!!!

All is well in the Gureasko-Boyle community at the moment. The Hoolahans are not so well. Bonnie's husband is taking cancer treatments and is having a very difficult time.Faye and Ronnie the same!My brother is sounding great these days and his son is chuging along. My grands are all doing well and the newest almost ,maybe member can't say more is wonderful.

My arm is still a issue as is my foot, meds are helping but are presenting other issues. What can I tell you "middle age" is not for sissies. The only great thing is I can still quilt ,walk and well never could chew gum.

I don't know how much internet I will have for the next week but will keep up if I can.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Getting Ready

Trip will be delayed thanks to the airconditioner in the bedroom not working. Steve will probably not be able to get parts until Monday. We are packed and ready with everything on board.

I feel better this evening the meds are kicking my butt. The antibiotic is really making me sick but the foot needs it so have to take it.

Make pillowcases for the grands to take with me and cut fabric for the goofy little cicles (yoyoes) I am making for the Christmas Project I am working on.I have a hand quilting project to take and my featherweight will also go on the trip.

Had supper with Tonia and Armand just a little while ago, nice evening.

HUgs Patticake

Friday, September 24, 2010

Good Morning Ladies

I think I am getting better. Sleep was available to me in 2 long stressess last night, finally. Lost the pain patch sometime last night, don't see it on the sheets. Maybe the arm ate it. I can move it better this morning, some pain still there but don't want to chop it off. Maybe we are getting better.

Foot is still inflamed and swollen, hopefully the meds will work so we can leave Sunday. Want to be there before the game starts. You know me and football, all the way SAINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!WHODAT-WHODAT-TWODAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to sew but will hold off , may be straighten the sewing area this afternoon.We are having dinner with Tonia and Armand this evening and we voted yesterday, grocery shopped(all I did was walk he pushed and grabbed items) after his Dr. appointment. He still have some left over kidney stone pieces to pass.Poor guy hope this will be the last time.

The day for me will be drop sweet Dixie off for a shampoo, come home clean dog beds, get a shampoo and nail job from Mell for me, and read. Tomorrow will be recycling drop-off and pack. Precook what ever we will eat on Sunday, maybe chicken salad and beef lion. I forgot of course a nice cake for my sweetie.

I will try to hem my table cloth I pieced in Pomeroy and make some more yoyos.hahaha.In stead of putting up a Christmas tree I am going to make a fabric tree(quilt) about 5 feet tall for the wall and decorate with fancy yoyos. Sounds like a plan.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank God Its Over

Yesterday was a day from hell! Went with Steve to the hospital for a KB Exray, then to WW, then trucked over to the doctor's office and try to be seen. When I get there they tell me to chose a new doctor as mine has retired because of medical issues. I chose someone I don't know but can still see my nurse practiciner for the time being. She said she will work me in and does , arm may be fractured need exrays at 2pm, go home have lunch, go back for 2, can't tell need the expert to read them. Stop in at foot doctor, he can see me right away as my foot looks really bad. If it doesn't improve by monday have to open and drain. Put me on a very strong antibotic. Now I have pain pills, pain patches and antinflamitory and I am in BIG PAIN. Got home at 4:30 after picking up supper from my friends restaurant.

Didn't sleep much last night but plan on sitting on my butt today and snooze and read.

You guys know I don't complain usually so I have to be in a lot of pain and to boot we are going to leave on Sunday, MAYBE????? We can always leave midweek, depends, I can't load the bus feeling this badly.

Will keep you guys up to date.

HUgs Patticake

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

What more do we need, sunshine, 90 degrees, dry, nothing to do!!!! I will probably start thinking about our trip to Shreveport on Sunday. Steve has to have an KB x-Ray today to see if all the stones have passed. It only takes a few minutes so off he goes to help Hank.

I need to have someone look at the pain in my arm, it still hurts a lot. I am careful with it but it is not much better. Can't let it interfere with sewing afterall.

I will probably make some bags today and hem my pieced tablecloth. Sounds like a plan!!!

Off to WW after the xray and then pay some bills then FREE AT LAST!!!!!

HUgs Patticake

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Home Again

Arrived home in time to see the kick-off, what a nail biter. If you didn't watch it you missed a great game. The 49ers gave it all they had and thay had a lot to give. My boys came in the 2 minute drill like always WHODAT, TWODAT, LETS DO IT AGAIN.Reggie got hurt and another player got a big tap on the head, Reg may be out for 6 weeks, we will miss him but we have backup. 25 to 22 waht a score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee texted Huff Huff and I responded we were on oxygen the game was so tight.

My quilt retreat was wonderful and productive. Made and sent 16 pillow cases to Cindy for the VA Home, taught the jewerly bag project,made a pieced tablecloth, made yoyo's for a christmas tree,taught the one seam flying geese and completed the body parts for my BB Swap blocks for Christmas.

Ate Salmon everyday and enjoyed the company of my SewNSew Sisters.What could be any better. Was HAPPY to see my sweetie at the airport !!!It is always super nice to return to your nest!
LOve that man!!!!

Hugs patticake

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pomeroy Retreat

Well Hello Quilting Sisters!! Did I ever have a great time. Spent a week in the great cook northwest with my SewNSew Sisters, what else could you ask for. Shopped, sewed, ate, quilted, laughted and renewed great friendships,stayed up late, swapped new ideas and solved the world problems. I will say that is a perfect week!!!!

Tomorrow I will leave Spokane and leave my wonderful host Barbara and her family and fly accross the entire US and arrive home at 6 be with my wonderful family and will see my great hubbie Steve,we will ne home 6 days and then off to the FMCA Rally for RV's in Shreveport LOuisiana for a week, isn,t life grand!!!

We ate Salmon(Wild Pacific) many times thanks to Kathy bernand,s husband, not sure he knows we got it from his stash, but whose telling.We also ate Mo (Beef cow who went to the great reward) ,we had so much to chose from we could have stayed for 3 weeks.

Oh the weather, try 40-70's windy and rainy, just perfect for quilting with the quilt shop on the top floor of the retreat, with indoor stairs. Can you "did it?".

We mailed 16 pillow cases to the Queen Bees for the VA home on FRiday and I taught 2 classes while I was at retreat.

Thats all for now have to get to the airport early in the morning so long for now will chat again on Tuesday.

Hugs Patticake

Monday, September 13, 2010

Count Down One More Day

WHOOHOO!!!!!!Flying tomorrow!!!!Hello Girls hello Barbara and Marge!!! Do you think I am excited. We have a little dark spot on the radar, If a storm comes where do I fly in if New Orleans isn't available??? Tony and Joyce can pick me up in San Antonio, Texas, Rose and Rick in Fort Worth,Nobody in Jackson Miss.,Steve depending where the bus is with him and Dixie,or stay in Washington until it blows over. I have gottrn on the plane with contraflow(all travel out of the New Orleans area made to go north on all interstate lanes, only because a police car got me to the airport as the highway was shut down). I got a ticket and I have to go!!!!! This time I can out but a week from now can I get back in????

All food for Steve is cooked and labled,baking a cake as we speak, clothes are washed. I will rearranged the flight bag and doing some banking and I will call it a day.

What about McNabb and the Redskins, they gave Romo and the Cowboys a spanking last night, TOO BAD Eagles!!!!

I am not sure if I will be able to get to a computer for a week soooooooooo see ya soon on the Web.

Hugs Patticake

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cooking Sunday

Hello again I just erased the entire blog! What a smart lady*%$#@. While you were sleeping I was up chopping and peeling veggies for the weeks menu while I am gone. He will be eating for supper (1)stuffed peppers/ veggie salad,(2)eggplant casserole/ corn,(3)baked beans/pineapple,pulled pork,(4)Chicken and spaghetti/green salad, (5)pulled pork/baked sweet potatoes?french rolls with cold slaw. Lunch will be sliced deli meats for sandiches and egg salad. Desserts will be ice cream, and a vanilla roll cake.

The great thing is I have cooked double so I can freeze the main items to take on our RV trips. (Now thats Smart).

My kitchen is large my cooking area is small as I have replaced my 4 burner gas suburan stove top(1959) with a Designer Kithchenaid gas stove with a great convection/ gas oven and a warming draw. Moving on up!!!

We are going to braekfast with Hank and Lorie this morning and then this afternoon Steve is going to fix a cabinet in HiHoSilver 90PT WB BB. Tonight is football, whoohoo, Love my NFL.

I will probably make a million flying geese with the new method!!!

Arm is getting better and wearing all clothes now.

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Free Day

I have a entire day to myself!whoohoo My arm in improving with the patches, actually slept 7 hours off and on. Steve is doing the chili-cookoff today with Rotary Hammond La. I am starting my day off dusting the entire house, my Fall cleaning only because the dust is making our noses run hehehhheee. may pass the vacummn and then who knows!!!

I have to plan some meals for when I am gone, my man likes to eat. Then tomorrow it will be off to the super market for what ever he needs for the week.
Had dinner with Tonis and Armand, Joey and Kari, Joey was in a terrible dark mood, probably didn't take his meds yesterday. Steve and Armand were busy talking Bluebird RV's and the girls(us) talking new handbags.

Have a great day

Hugs Patticake

Friday, September 10, 2010


What a start, to bad Vikings, not going to happen. New orleans was rocking all day yesterday, concerts in the French Quarter, Parade downtown, Tail gateing all over town and even parties in the local banks, red beans and rice, poboys(french bread sandwiches)seafood, a rocking great time.

Left arm is still in pain but Fran got some pain patches for me and I was able to sleep in the bed last night. The bra and undies are still a problem getting on and off. I FIGURED OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ARM!!!! I cut the corner going into the utility room and took half the door with shoulder and arm. Smart??? That was about a week ago. I have patches to take with me on the flight out west tuesday. Whoohoo

Make some luggage tags for my suitcase and backpack, cute, I love little projects. I nwill picking up the new Bernina from Juliana today, she just deceided she didn't want it any more. Oh well, bring it on, I have machines sitting all over the floor now , whats one more.

Have a million things to do now that Hank has put new tires on my Caddie for my birthday, bless that boy taking care of his mother.

HUgs Patticake

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Easy Day

I have been battleing a very sore left arm in the shoulder to the elbow, making it impossible to sleep for the last 5 days, so today I am wearing a throw and am not getting dressed. I am going to sit in a chair with a heating pad and read and watch TV and dooze on and off all day. I ran into the door frame last week and slept on it one night and the next day HELLO pain with every move. I know wine/ wine/wine/.

I am packed and ready to fly on Tuesday so I have 4 days to heal.

Have a great day!

Hello to my baby brother!!!

Hugs Patticake

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beautiful Morning

Good Morning!!! What a beautiful morning! I have a easy day today, going to pick out paint for my ceilin, Michael is doing the painting, thats means the paint will be on the ceiling and not on the walls etc. I am using coffee colors, creamy on the ceiling and lite and medium coffee on the walls. He will possibly do it while I am gone.

My Bernina(200) is not doing the designs well , guess it needs to be rebooted, I will get in touch with Bernina and see what they say. I am picking up another from Julianna, nice one she got something else and she is giving it to me.

Steve is working for Hank this week so I have the house to myself. (Interesting) 6 days till I leave, whoohoo.Mailed the boxes yesterday, and started thinking about packing.My arm is improving, still is painful,from the shoulder to the elbow, can't raise it, started with the heat yesterday.

Have a great day!!!

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to The Routine

Holiday and Birthday are over, back to the regular daily stuff. Todays activities include bill paying, box mailing,quilting, clean bathrooms, quilting, laundry, did I memtion quilting???,reservation making for RV trips on 9/26 and 11/27, whoohoo!!! We got up early so we could get a head start on jobs, then I remembered that Steve has Rotary this morning, then working at Hanks shop so I guess I am on my own.

Went to Tonia and Armonds yesterday for red beans and rice, what no barbque, of course not it was monday, everybody in New Orleans eat red beans on Monday. Gives you the gas to complete your week.

This afternoon we are installing a new filtration system on our water system, we are on a well and it has a new taste. ug!!!!

Finished chosing fabric for Michael's new Art quilt of course 120x120 what else???? I do big and small (tabletop) only.


hugs Patticake

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Beautiful Morning

WOW !!! 63 degrees this morning, is this Louisiana??? I put the fall stuff outside and inside, the only house in the area dressed up for fall. Go figure, 's would you expect any thing different, really it's Patticake.

I am going to cut pillow case kits today between GK's visiting today. I hope to see Tonia and Armond's new Bluebird when they get home with it today.It is Silver and the pictures are great.

I need to pack my boxes tomorrow and get them mailed to Pomeroy. Speaking of I had a wonderful conversation with Robbie yesterday and got caught up on family news.

Louis and Lydia came over yesterday and we sat outside and visited. They are our neightbors accross the street since the 70's. It was nice he just retired and is adjusting to being a house husband. We trade novels all the time as we both love crime mysteries.

Have a great day and stay safe!

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, September 4, 2010

So Many Thanks You's

What a day and so many birthday wishes! Received a beautiful basket filled with fruit from Joyce and Tony in Texas and had a complete day of beauty with Mell,fabulous steak dinner with Hank and Lori,beautiful new ear-rings from Steve, and everybody BLEW_UP Facebook with wishes. Thank you all so much.

Today Mike and Naomi and Nick will have lunch, my brother Steve and Fran will join us. My oldest GS Hank (17) is boogie boarding it with his buds down the river all weekend so he dropped in yesterday afternoon for a hug for his grandie. I am just sucking it all in.

I will decorated the outside of the house for fall this afternoon or tomorrow with the GK's. I will be the only fall house of the block. What's new!!!!!

I am going to stitch a little wallhanging this morning and then -as we say in Louisiana going to make groceries at the supermarket.

Hugs Patticake

Friday, September 3, 2010


I love birthdays, I am 68 years young today, WHOOHOO.My DH gave me a beautiful pair of trigold half dollar size hoop earrings, very nice , he earned points today.

Took Dixie for a bath this morning and came home and vacumned the house and put some fall decorations up in side , will wait till monday afternoon to the do the outside of the house. I am tried of summer!!! I am wishing for an early fall.

The family will celebrate tomorrow with cake , ice cream, hot dogs and chips etc. They will be coming in 2 shifts.(noon and supper time)Sunday I am cutting pillow cases to mail to Pomeroy for construction. Tuesday I will mail the boxes.

Sounds like a plan!!!!!

Had an wonderful day with Bonnie and Donald yesterday. On the way home doing 70 miles an hour I had a blow out in the right rear. Hit some metal rods when a towing house trailer hit it next to me and had a 18 wheeler in the left lane. The trailer didn't clear the road completely, I headed as close to the big truck as I could and took a 45 degree shot toward the shoulder just missing the house trailer as I shot past on 3 tires.
As my Daddy said to my mother when she lost control pulling a popup trailer, "ride it down Laura, ride it down". My cousin said yesterday, looking at me is like looking at my mother. AMAZING, we are what we are!

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Off to The Parish

Well today is finally here! Spending the day with my favorite cousin Bonnie!!
Baked the chocolate cake for her DH and put Andes Choc. Mints in the top icing. Yum Yum

Watched the CMA Music Concert for 3 hours last night, love that country music, not bad, eye candy. No sewing yesterday. Mike and I spent (DS2) the day together and went to our church luncheon for seniors.

Lost 2 plus lbs. @WW yesterday WhooHoo.

Have to get dressed and get on the highway, trip is about 1 1/2 hours.

Hugs Patticake

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WW Day

Whoohoo weigh in day, I feel thinner today, maybe I will hit the magic number! Will continue to cut fabric today after dropping off a few bill payments. Will bake a chocolate cake for Bonnie's husband today to take with me tomorrow on my trip to spend the day in St Bernard Parish.Donald has just come home from the hospital.

I cut a ugly table topper yesterday 52x52 ,maybe it will get cuter when I put it together in Pomeroy. I sorted scrapes for Bonnie last night, she has enough to make several quilts. There are no fabrics available in her area and she doesn't drive away from her area.

Got my flue shot at Walgreens yesterday, get yours.

have a great day.

Hugs Patticake