Secrets from Louisiana

So glad you have stopped by for a visit. We have many secrets here in Louisiana. We are a quilters haven because of all the interesting things we have in our environment to see, smell,taste and feel. Our flowers are like perfume in the evening and the colors explode in your eyes. Our seafood is the best in the world and is bountiful from the Gulf.

The palette is non stopping.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rocket In My Pocket

Got up on speed today, By 8:00am I have baked a cake,(its cooling),baked a pan of beans, and made enough chili for the neighborhood. You ask WHY??? because when the energy hits use it, cause it isn't always there!

Went shopping after dinner out with Tonia and Armand and bought some great baking pans to replace my wornout ones, nice and heavy. Also got my nexchange gift for the LOnestar Rally in December. Now all we need is a man's gift.

Today I will be working on my secret sisters swap and my exchange blocks for the Rally. Steve is going over to Armond's to put in a camera on his bus. I might go to a funeral for my cousin or not. I need to sort through some items that need to go to the cottage. So have a great day!

Hugs Patticake

Friday, October 29, 2010

Chilly Morning

Whoopie!!!!!!!! 40 degrees, and dry!Visited with my friend Jean at Books A Million, read 12 quilting mags and drank coffee, nice afternoon after all that house work. 3 hours is a lot for an old broad.heheeeeeeeee

Today is physically easier but mentally stressful. Beauty appointment then work an hour for Biggums at the shop, paperwork, then on the phone one more with IRS.When you know you are right, you can't give uppp!!!!

Dinner with Tonia and Armand at Tommy's on Main Street will finish the plan.

I thought about going to Houstons Quilt Show but forgoy cousin Bonnie's grand-daughter is getting married on the 6th, can't be in Texas and Louisiana at the same time.

Have a great day and call someone you love.

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Not Cold Yet

Well another hot wet sticky day, but they promised tonight it will be better YA! I have a easy day will work on my secret santa project , and my squares after I take the dog in for a bath, funk is at a premium with Dixie today and yesterday.....Wind must be blowing as something big just hit the top of the house.

Stayed on program yesterday, planned today's menu so another great day.I have 30 days before we leave for Texas so a good run for weight loss.

Hope to get to the cottage today and work and bring some order to fabric starting to pile up. Steve and I will do a trip to Houston next weekend for the Quilt Show, one day walk your a** off trip.You know I really want to go if I have invited a MAN to the International Quilt show. hahahhaahaaaaaaaaaaaa.

My cabbage and the eggplant dish was a fab yesterday.Mike brought some salmon in at the last minute so I cooked it up, wow, w..ow it was great!!!!

Have a great day and a prayer for my cousin Kathleen Boyle who passed away on Tuesday with kidney cancer. We have that gene in the Boyle Family, my sweet Daddy Henry Boyle died with the same cancer as did others in the family.

Hugs Patticake

Have a great day sweet brother Steve Boyle!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hot Sticky and Wet Its Louisiana

Woke up to 78 degrees this morning, whats upp with that??? Cold front coming tomorrow, hurry up!Have a commission quilt for Candice and have started shopping for fabric, peacock , creams and a pretting violet. Will use a log cabin design. You can say I am on the hunt......

Saw everybody yesterday, Mike, Hank, little Hank and Fran all came for a visit.I sent Mike home with the jambalaya and salad, little Hank brought his Dad some pulled pork from his mother's house and biggums asked the baby who made the sandishes,he said I have to make sure she didn't poison them. Steve worked yesterday and will work the rest of the week for Hank, 4 bedliners today, will have to pour Steve in bed tonight. I did all my running yesterday, today is WW, working on blocks and cooking eggplant for supper. Chicken salad for Steve's lunch is made.

I have an exchange for one of my groups so I will be looking at stocking patterns to make and collecting other items for the package.I am sure I can get that together before the deadline.

Dixie needs a bath, that girl has some smell this morning, the humidity is like 100%. I will call and take her in tomorrow. She had a great time on the trip, she loves the bus and knows what to do when we stop.She adjusted well to our life style.

We will be cleaning the bus this weekend and getting it ready to roll the day after thanksgiving.We will be rolling with Tonia and Armand to Texas for several weeks.We will be stopping at Ernie and Brenda's and Tony and Joyce's along with a week south of Fort Worth and some time in Blanco.

HAVE a great day

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No I Didn't Fall Off The Planet

What a week! We had a wonderful time at the Rats rally, saw a lot of old friends, made a bunch more. Had a lot of pot luck dinners so it is back to the program since I am home. We made a trip across New Orleans in the Bus, thought I would throwup with the traffic but my steady driver made it . We went to the training facility for the Saints to park and spend the night with our posse from Texas. We also went to see Tony ang Joyce's new 2000 LXI 43 foot Bluebird, WOW double WOW. It is beautiful. Arrived home early Monday morning pooped took a nap washed 6 lots of laundry and stripped bus, will clean it this weekend.

Sold 9 quilts and one purse, came home with fuel money for another trip and a trip to the quilt shop.Whoopie!! Also took a order for a custom queen size quilt for Candice and Art's coach. I would say I had a great week.

We are going to vote this morning and I need veggies, not many to eat last week, and will sit at the Chamber building this morning and grocery and farmers market this afternoon. My day is planned, maybe a side visit to the quilt shop.

Have a great day and know I will quilt something this evening. My squares need to be completed for December swap.

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Great Day In Georgia

We had a great, relaxing day. Brenda and I spend the day just sitting around and we even tried to make a pine straw basket. We slipped out of class, FAILED that class!!!

We had a great formal dinner tonight at a very nice restaurant with a fab dessert, choc, cake, caramel, nuts etc....GREAT MEAL.

Tomorrow I will be selling quilts and sewing machines. Sold a purse yesterday. I have a lot of quilts to sell.

We will be doing a pot luck dinner tomorrow evening around the coach, fun.

The weather is great!

Hugs patticake

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another day In Paradise

It is beautiful in Pine Mountain Georgia, 70 degrees, sunshine, friendly folks and 115 Bluebird RV's, what more do you need???? Brenda flew in to had a great surprise,be with Ernie, my almost brother, love those two.

Saw a coach I really like the color layout, Navy Royal Blue with different shades of rose in the ciclular design, saw a lavendar one that I really liked am excited about seeing the ones coming today.

I am going to quilt this morning a while then cook a little. What a life, arm is better, back is back to normal ,whippie!!!

Talk to everybody all is fine for the moment.

Talk to you tomorrow, have a great day and make something beautiful or useful.

Hugs Patticake

Monday, October 18, 2010

One More Day

Just a few things to do today, dog goes to get a bath, buy dog supplies, go to the bank, cleans machines, pack the frig, buy Ernies box wine and beans, pack computer, fold clothes,secure house and pick persimmons. Not much, sort of an easy day!!!!

Back is better, arm is better so I am good to go. I plan on making halloween pillow cases for the kiddies in Shreveport(Nicolas and Naomi)this afternoon.May cut some Christmas giffies if I run out of things to do.heheheheeeeeeee

I will not post tomorrow until I get to Georgia so your newa will be late, just a heads upp. Have a great day and talk to you soon.

Hugs Patticake

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Up and Atem"

Back is much better, know waht happened, sat in the pedicure chair with the massage on STRONG and stress the lower back, pretty dumb for a smart girl. Arm seems to be improving. I went to bed at 7:30 last night , got up at 11:30 potty breask and them slept till 5:30, NICE. Steve came in at !!:30 and is still sleeping.

I have already packed my clothes and quilting items. I only have frozen food left to put on the bus. Cold foods go on tomorrow. We will fuel up this morning and then WHO DAT SAINTS GAME at NOON!!!!!!!!After that I will clean my sewing machine that are for sale.

Ernie is already at the RATS can't wait to hug him, miss that boy a lot!Rich A from Fort Worth asked about Feb Rally, I don't know who is doing that one, told him call Tony in San Marcos and see who stepped up.

Had a nice visit with BB and Bishop at my brothers as Steve cut the grass, we told him clean up the place or I will come in and do the big CLEAN.He is not interested but she is giving him a vacumn and I am giving him a new mop, bucket and broom.(Cleaning supplies and a bomb for the toliets).I know you are reading this Boyle so get ready.I am also making you an organizer for the table. A vacumn with attachments I am excited for you, vacumning 101.WE love you guy just remember that.

have a great day everybody and leave some comments.

Hugs Patticake

PS New Pictures

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Another Day for Getting Ready

Today bright and early we will go about 15 miles north to Albany to my brothers house to cut his grass. He is not able so his BNL(Steve) will cut Steve's grass. Yes and he has a son Steve. Go figure, no my Dad's name was Henry. I have a new pain today in the small of my back, guess all that work yesterday, guess the broard is getting OLD! Took the old person cure 500mg "T", took 3. I guess with not being able to sleep on the left side because of the arm thing I am not moving much at night. I promise when we get back from the Rally I will follow up on the arm.

I have such nice sons, they see me or call or text everyday and when I tell you NO MAMA BOYS HERE, just big old teddy bears that love their Mama. They work with their Dad , Steve works for Big Hank and Mike does his metal work in Steve's big garage so they are what can say we all live on the same block and for the moment they are all HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big Boy has a really great girlfriend he is happy with and Mic will be starting Southeastern Un. in January to do another BA in Nursing. Mic is getting ready for a art show at the university , he will have several pieces featured, of course when I am gone. He is actually working on them this weekend.

We will pack some this afternoon and fuel up tomorrow, watch the game at noon on Sunday WHO DAT of course is playing the Buck's in Tampa. We were invited by RB to go next week as our gang from Texas is coming but we will be at the Rats. I think she and John are bringing 5 or 6 coaches in to park at the Saints Training Faciality and sit in the box. Sorry I will have to miss it.Her husbands Father died this week, we send our special prayers to them both.

The dog went back to bed after getting up at 6:30 to eat, nice pooch just can't sleep late.Guess we will keep her anyway.heheheeeeeeeeee

Have a nice Day my friend Nancy B. May it bring peace to you both. The VA is kick as*. My brother uses them and they have nice VA homes, Hospitals, Clinics, and my brother will use their cemetery when the time come. He served during the big "V" war.
Hugs Patticake

Friday, October 15, 2010

Easy Day

Today is really one of those "What to Do Days". I started off with 2 loads of laundry, will vacumn next, then off to the spa for a day of beauty, "The Works" from head to foot overhaul. I will check on my brother as the day goes on. Steve went to the shooting range to keep his shooting up to grade. I think he will be at Hank's today doing a bedliner.

This afternoon I will be cleaning 6 sewing machines for sale in Georgia and packing 20 quilts for sale. Sort of a easy day would you agree? Oh just changed the king size bed, gathered all floor rugs on the way back from the bedroom. Please stop me somebody. heheheeeeeee

Actually the weather is perfect 46 degrees and sunny with the highs in the 70's great for Louisiana. It is still dry but may get rain next mid week. I made veggie soup yesterday enough to feel the entire area if you know what I mean and a wopping cornbread.I have cooked enough this week, DONE

I am working on 7 bindings and will take them with me. Sorry about missing the Queen Bees Meeting, I really love those girls.

Have a great weekend all you working folks and foe all you old guys just keep breathing>

Hugs patticake

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ready for WhatEver

I have completed all listed jobs for the week.We have to return the 3 trucks to Franklinton La. to the dealership(bedliners) and I need to pay 2 bills for Hank.I will put one more binding on a tabletopper this afternoon and put on a big pot of vegetable soup to simmer. Had oatmeal with fresh blueberries this morning and really enjoyed it with a lot of cups of coffee.

Tomorrow it is haircut, shampoo, manicule, pedicule and wax!!! Dog goes for a day of beauty also.Now I am thinking she would be fresher if she went on Monday. Will see.

Yoyoes are everywhere, am using some kool fabric, reds, greens stripes and crazy patterns. Found some antique red buttons in my button can to use, SWEET!!

Good luck brother with the doctors today, remember tell them what happened. Call me and let me know what they said.

All is smooth........

Hugs Patticake

PS Whats happening in Oregon Girls????

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Busy Day

Good afternoon, had a run early to WW, followed with a trip into Penneys, home for lunch, nap and am baking 2 pumpkin pies, why , had a big can of pumpkin so 2 pies are smelling good in the oven. Made a squash soup and pork chops for supper. I was thinking fried apple pies, but pumpkin won out (I have 20 cans).

The weather is wonderful, have the doors and windows open and am really enjoying the day.I may do some sewing later.

Have a great day!

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rain at Last

Can you believe it has'nt rain in a month, well we got a little last night. It is brown instead of green, strange. We have a new Hurricane named Paula this is number 16 and all have missed us with a lot of them heading north in the Atlantic Ocean,thank goodness. This one may skirt the florida keys.

I have lost my reading glasses in the house, Dixie didn't take them, I checked her crate. Thank goodness I have dollar store readers.I have turned the house over and inside out. Guess that is a sign of old age.

We have to pick up 3 trucks in Franklinton fot bedliners, and they have several bedliners already scheduled so Steve will be busy all day and then dinner with Tonia , Armond, Greg, Kathy, Steve and me.

I have made more bindings so they will be attached on our way to Georgia, still making yoyoes in Christmas fabric. Steve asked me last night "what are those for?" I said they keep me awake watching tv at night.Does everything have to have a purpose????

I got the quilts out for sale yesterday and 5 sewing machines to go with us to Georgia. Today I will be looking for the books that go with them.
I will also cut the Christmas fabric for the gifts for the rally in December.

I will clean the sewing machines tomorrow>

Steve B.(my brother) had a little issue sunday so I will be checking on him regularly. Good morning Brother I know you are reading this!!!

Hugs Patticake

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saints didn"t Win

What an interesting game!!Would have been better if we would have won, but say la vive, can't always have everything. The arm is improving, it is the shoulder not the arm. I am just careful with how I use it nad maybe we can just get it 100 percent.

We cleaned the bus yesterday and reorganized the inside, the bottom is his to do when ever. We wiped everything down, wool-lited the carpets, scrubbed the tile floors and got rid of a lot of junk in the cabinets. Clothes are on the only thing left is the food for the rally and it is all done and frozen, of course the salads will be made fresh. heheheheeeeeeeee

Tonia is coming over today to work onb her squares for the christmas rally and i will be picking out quilts for the sale in Georgia, 7 sewing machines too.I will be sewing in the cottage as the machine is set in the table and that doesn't hurt my shoulder, the ones in the house sit on top of the table and that position hurts.

Ed and Caroline are pluged in with their 95 BMC Bluebird for a week in our yard on their way to The Rally in Rain, La. They stop by every year for a visit.They are one of our regulars.

John Benon's Dad died Sunday morning , may bge going to San Antonio for a over nighter and say with Tony and Joyce in San Markus, not sure.

Have a great week!!!!

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Sad Day

A sad day, we will say goodby to our neighbor Wayne today. I will take a dish over after the services and then return my birthday earings as they are defective. I will report later

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wonderful Weather

The weather is the best!!! Would love to live in a spot that is 40's at night and 70's during the day, 12 months a year. Oh and no Hurricanes! I have been hauling *** all day since 6am. first take Dixie for a bath, pick her up at noon, grocery shop the specials at 3 groceries (making groceries, thats New Orleans language) unloading and putting them away. Clean the 2 dog beds, wash covers and spray the pillow parts, do 2 loads of clothes, wash , dry, and fold.Did I mention vacumn the entire house, load dishwasher, unload and put away dishes and fix lunch and reload lunch stuff, pack recycling for Saturday and now I get to do my blog and it is 1 o'clock. I wonder why I am sooooooooo tried. Who Knew????

I need to wipe toilets with a brush, maybe !!

My neighbors behind us for the last 38 years are Wayne and Karen. Our sons went to school together all the way through collage. Her husband was a mentor to Michael as they were both artist, my in metals and him in neon. He passed away on Tuesday night from dementer complications. She had placed him in a nursing facility while we were out of town. He was only 62 years old and so talented. We will be attending his services on Saturday.

I am working at Hank's this afternoon answering the phone so off I go, maybe I can snooze between calls. I wonder why I am tried today, well my arm is still bothering me some and I am not sleeping well.

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Great Morning

Good morning to all, Steve had a good day, stone passed, he is back to normal(a.s normal as he can be)heheheheheheee. I got a lot done yesterday, moved summer clothes , added winter things, sorted, gave away a lot, will sell some at the second hand shop,passed some on and actually deposited some in the "can".My friend will be selling my glove collection on ebay and some vintage handbags and a dress from the 1920's.

Am having the foot lanced at 11 o'clock today and then will clean the RV and shampoo the carpet. Steve and I will do this together. I am going through the cabinets and getting rid of stuff we don't use.

Cooked yesterday, took a 14 lb. turkey and shinned and removed the FAT, then cut it up, roasted the breast and wings and boiled the rest. The rest will be used for the gumbo I will make for the Rats Rally in 13 days in Georgia. I am making apple oatmeal muffins for Steve tonight.

Made yoyos last night watching TV. Will trim 2 quilts sometime today and will make 50 miles of binding. Will I have enough to do????

HUgs Patticake

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Home Again

Home is where the heart is and mine is in Ponchatoula. Steve had a kidney stone attack on the way home from Shreveport. WE had to stop for a while and then he drove on in. I medicated him when we got home and his pain eased somewhat. We unloaded the bus a little while ago just the food and dirty clothes. Tomorrow is another day, we need to strip the bead and clean the interior and go dump the tanks as we leave in 2 weeks for Georgia for the Bluebird Rally.

I quilted a lot last week and did some craft classes, I am not a real crafter but I try. I am making yoyos at present for a christmas tree. Now I need to do laundry yuk!!

My cousin Faye's husband died last week with cancer, he battled a long time, we also have a wedding next weekend. Busy week.

Arm is improving and foot needs to be drained. What-up as my DGS Hank says it is what it is.

HUgs Patticake

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gambling Day

Made aRaindeer this morning out of 2 towels, cute. Thats my activity for the day! Ain't life sweet when you retire, plus all the pains and join things going on. Had Breakfast with Roy Zanka this morning, he has a 96 bluebird and he and his wife Carol when to high school and collage together, small world.

Couple more days on the road and then home to get ready for next trip in a couple of weeks. Arm still a problem almost ready to try the drugs the doctor gave me.

Have a great day!!!

HUgs Patticake