Secrets from Louisiana

So glad you have stopped by for a visit. We have many secrets here in Louisiana. We are a quilters haven because of all the interesting things we have in our environment to see, smell,taste and feel. Our flowers are like perfume in the evening and the colors explode in your eyes. Our seafood is the best in the world and is bountiful from the Gulf.

The palette is non stopping.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Sad Day

Armond is back in the hospital, they put in 3 stins and he is on dyalasis this evening. He has had a really terrible time for the last 6 months. Lets pray he is going to get better. He is to young for all this.

I did all my running today, dog, groceries, bill payments etc.. I can stay home now and get ready for the kids, WhoHoo. Already have a plan. I might even gets some quilting done, you never know.

Have a great weekend as we are off to see Tayna and Armond>

Hugs patticake

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I DID IT!!!!!!!

I went to WW and stepped on the scale and another 2 lbs., I made my goal and got all emotional. WOW that took a lot of control not to just scream and hop around. All it takes is journaling and know what your body needs for health. I am so lucky I figured it out. Next goal is in place, a piece at a time afterall I didn't go to bed skinney and wake up fat, took time to build the work of art. The WW guys all stood up for me and cheered, what a feeling to have a team working with you.

I will probably sew today and do somemore cleaning getting ready for Naomi and Nicolas's visit. Can't wait to see them...miss them a lot.

I have finished my Hurricane kit with the exception of buying tarps and storing them in case they are needed, I have packed all important papers in my Man Over Board Backpack, jewerley on board, money, all med records, all I will need are my best quilts. We will clear the yards as best as can be before we leave. I really feel it will be a tough year of storms, the temps in the Pacific are really cool and that means warmer in the Atlantic and the Gulf. We have 3 locations to run to all in Texas with hookups and pads for us to park and wait the storms out and the bus is fueled up and packed just have to empty the freezer and frig in the house into the bus. When you have weather as many storms as I have you learn and Katrina taught us well.

If the house goes we can full time in the bus. It is just a structure. Am I getting old are what????

Hello girls and Bro!

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What a Wonderful Life

Sorry Bro I went to sleep after cleaning the grands bedroom I promise I will call today, I slept fpr 2 hours. It was hot at Mikes's upstairs and I was really concerned about dehydration. I made it!! He is working 3 jobs and has no extra time. The kids are coming for a week so I will be grandmother on steroids.

I have several activities planned for them and am looking for more things to do, even have a rain day ready. WHo knew those teaching skills would come in handy. So what do non teachers do???Just kidding.

Made 2 new blocks yesterday and remade them this morning. Thats what you do when they aren't correct. Love those curves. Will post when I get 2 more made.

I am cleaning the kitchen and steaming the floor today wow what a exciting activity!

Have a great day!

Love Patticake

Monday, May 23, 2011

Can You Believe It????

She is back- A beautiful day, warm and sunny and as dry as ****. No grass cutting here just brown with a little green. All that flooding and no rain in about 45 days, this is Louisiana whats upp with that?? Okay off the weather. Family is doing fine, everybody is working and getting a pay check except for Steve and I, hahaaaaaaaa. He tries to fine me a job but I am not going to do it. My job is family, house and quilting.

Speaking of quilting, my curves quilt is really moving along, I made plastic shapes for each part and then, hold your breath and don't pass out, I use a ballpoint pen and trace the shapes on the fabric, and then I free hand the rotary cutter to cut them out. Sooooooooooo easy, try it if you haven't, makes fast work of your shapes. The long part is pinning the curves. Sewing is easy.I will post some blocks when they are together. Of course mine will not look like the original pattern....OF COURSE NOT!!!!!

I hope to move the scales again this week, 5.2 last week, am I getting gready???You betta I am. I am really ready to be thinner so here we go!!!Faster than ever. I feel really great, don't hate me for being so UP all the time.

Good morning BRO, talk to you sometime today, probably about 3 o'clock.

Steph it was great talking to you this morning tell Kathy hello.

Hugs patticake

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another Beautiful Day

Good morning all, hope you feel as good as do! I know should be a law against it! I have positive blood flowing in my veins. Wish I could pass it along to the entire world. I have started a new project , this quilt is called Radiant Suns, all curves, of course I am chamging the colors, could you have guessed? Purples, lime greens, oranges and turquois, some florials, batiks, prints and dots. You can see examples of this quilt on the internet, it is by Cara Gulati. In her directios she states, the blocks will be off some just find the smallest and size to it, then eat some candy and tell your friends it is artice. I like her already.

Today will be easy, nothing planned but next week will be different. I will be getting ready for the grands for a week long visit. I have planned the activities and have planned the menu, so now just wait. haha I will have this coming week to get it already, craft day, library day, swimming day, movie day, cartoon and popcorn day hanging out in front of the72 inch(Thats a rainy day)and a baking cookies and muffin day.No sewing that week or me. Am really looking forward to there visit, they haven't been down in 5 weeks.

Steve B. I put a battery in your watch for you, what a sister!!!

My SEwNSew Sisters, time in moving on.......

Hugs patticake

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Weekend

This kinda goofy since everyday is Saturday when you are retired. well for the rest of you are still working hope your weather is great so you can do what ever you have planned. I am sewing and then over to Tayna and Armond's for supper. Lots of plans would you say.????

My new quilt is all curves, I have been doing mineless tops for resale so I need to challenage my skills. What am I talking about? This quilt is called Radiant Suns. Search for it on the net. It is a humdinga. I love a challenage.

Let me hear from you guys waht you think anout this quilt.

Good morning Bro, have a great weekend, how are the blueberries??

Hugs Patticake

3 and 1/2 months to Pomeroy

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Help Somebody Stop Me

I am on a roll, put together Christmas quilt yesterday will finish the boarders this evening. The reason being I have my quilt group meeting today! The Queen Bees are a wonderful little group of about 15 who work well together. When to WW yesterday stepped on the scale and WOW 5.2 lbs GONE, WHOHOO job well done. Keep it rolling!!!!!

Had to make a swap block this morning to take with me, all done everything packed ready to go. Finally deceied on Hank's graduation gift, sterling engraved key ring and a silver engraved book marker. It is hard to buy for a kid who has everything. We made him that way but  he is  so sweet for a 17 years old, never went through the rebellious stay.

Steve is feeing better thank goodness, he is not dizzy anymore. Back to to his old self.

Good morning BRo!

Talked to Bonnie yesterday, Donald's cancer is still there and seems to have spread to some new locations, more testing and more experimental drugs. His attitude is upbeat and wonderful. I am going to have to go in more often and visit.Pray for Donald Hollahan.

Hugs gotta go

Love patticake  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Up and Rocking

A Big Good Morning, slept well even after coffee in the afternoon amazing! Made jello already, packed my breakfast, made my plans and will be leaving for WW in about 30 minutes. I was home all day till 3:30 with Steve he wasn't feeling well, dizzy all day such a terrible feeling. He is back to normal this morning so I will be on the road till lunch time. Have some printing to do, shopping for Hank's Grad gift, getting batteries for 3 watches and a wind knob for another. Dropping off the rest of my clothes at the Goodwill will take care of everything I am not going to be needing.

There are some 21 seeping areas on the river  but they are not worried as these always seem to leak a little. We are high and dry so don't worry about us, it is the areas and rivers near the Mississippi. Our big lake is now fresh water not brackish, oysters beds will all die, another hit for Louisiana. They have just set up free counciling for folks who are having depression because waiting for the flood wateres and those who have flooded. Amen for them 5 years ago relived. I worry about the seniors who soffered during Katrina and now will be doing it again. Pray for them, their lives should be peaceful not stressful plus.

I went to the wake last night for my friends son, how sad, saw many of my friends from the 70's and 80's sad home coming. Glad I went.

Hello Bro told your brotherinlaw you have gas for the mower and he said "GOOD JOB BRO" He will put you on the schedule, what ever that means heheheeeeeeeeeee Thanks for calling I had you on the list just didn't get to you early ,taking care of Steve, you would have though he was dying. Men????? Gotta love them!

Have a great day do something nice for someone you don't even know. There is an eldery black man who walks 2 blocks every morning and every evening to eat at Mc Donalds, he walks on the road, the other morning the car in front of me stopped next to him and handed him some paper money, the man tried to tell him he wasn't in need but the driver insisted he take it, he took it. As I got to the red light, the old man handed the money to a man who looked down on his luck on the corner. That is what I am talking about passing it on and taking care of your brothers and sister. The man who finally recieved the money white.

Touch a heart today.

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Great Weather Again

Graduation is over, what a great grandson!!!! So sweet, good looking, manners,smart really smart,kind,caring can I just go on..... Nicolas is next in 10 years and Naomi in 11, hope I can still be here to enjoy theirs. I think I can make 80 years old.heheeeeeeeeeee

We got some sad news this morning one of our Jayee Families lost there son this week at age 37years same age as my Michael. We wre in the Jaycees  for 10 years until age 36 when you exhaust out. This young man was born right after Michael. We will pay our respects tonight.

I have an easy day today with a day of beauty scheduled at 3pm. I am sewing also and working somemore in the end room. Steve does come out there much as he doesn't lkie to get rid of stuff, TOO BAD, SO SAD, it is going anyway. So says the Queen. It has to be emptied so we can cold weather proof it.

Good morning Bro, where are you??? How are you doing. I am going to call you.

All my west coast gals start saving your pennies for my retreat in March I promise it will be wonderful and we want you there. Less than 4 months till we are in Spokane and Promeroy, WHOOHOO WHOHOO

HUgs Patticake

Monday, May 16, 2011

Graduation Day

Today Little 6foot Hank graduates from high school, he is number 16 out of 300, he has a 3.97 average for his 4 years in high school and a 4.0 from k-8th grade, what a wonderful young man. Am I a excited Grandmother or what? He has gotten enough awards and grants money for his 4 years at LSU. He received the tops award which is enough money to pay tuition, books etc.Way to go my sweet gs.

I am on the other hand am just a quilting gm and only learn new ways to do stuff. We have settled into the home life without traveling, would rather be on the road, to much to do at home.hahaaaa Steve is doing some side jobs on vechicals and has been reading novels like a mad man. I introduced him to crime /mystery books.

We are making progress on the end room, took a trunk full of clothes to Goodwill today. We will move the sewing machines to the cottage this week since the weather is sooooooooooo cool, 45 tomorrow morning.

Watching the water, all seems well in our area.

Hello Bro, hope all is well in your house.

HUgs Patticake

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Beautiful Day

The weather is beautiful, started in the 50's and will top out about 70, is this Louisiana in May??? I will take it no qusetions asked. Let me get you up to speed on the flooding, yes we are in a scarey period, if the leves hold we are good if they fail anyplace there will be more iles of flooded land and houses. I am dry and should be okay, I am about 50 miles from the River as the crow flies. Now we may get some back water in low areas from the back wash into the rivers that are getting dumped into, but not to worry I have a handicapped latter to the roof hahahaaaaaaaaaaa.

Now the basins will be flooded and the folks that live there knew they were in a flood plane when they built their homes there and they can not get floos insurance. It is a Louisiana thing, live , fish, boat, swim and enjoy your waterways. Most have packed up their entire home appliances included and have gone to family in a safe place, This is not the folks of Katrina, these are south Louisiana hardy folks that make their living on and in and around the water. Are you getting the picture.

We have a governor, our sweet Bobby, who has everything in place for the event. No waiting for him proactive, asked for a diaster decree 2 weeks ago, National guardis here, Red cross has 40 shelters open and maned, parishes who are not directly envolved have sent machines, equipment and manpower in the affected regions, jailed fmedical staffs are in placeolks are filling sand bags, food banks are stocking up and medical staffs are in place and ready.

Yesterday the national guard was walking around the waterway before they opened the gates and picked up bird nests with eggs to save them from drowning, what a beautiful thing.

How much can Louisiana take?? We are tough and can get up and start over as many times as it takes. Now if a Hurricanes comes before we get this water out of here I will be typing from another region.

Little Hank graduates tomorrow and he was honored for his achievements, his 4 years at LSU are paid for, gradutes with higest honors and scholarships. whoo hoo

Hugs from a really proud Grandmother.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Back to The Routine

Good morning, took Dixie for a bath today as it will be raining tomorrow, she doesn,t like stormy weather, on the other hand I do cause that is quilting time. I am still making silk purses, I have 5 more in the small design, will up grade to a larger purse next week. We made a UFO list of things we will be doing in the next few months, Steve had to take a nap when we finished talking. I can see what a help he will be.

The first thing is take all the machines to the cottage so he can start oiling and repairing what needs to be done. The weather will be nice next week so we will be washing down the outside of the house with the pressure washer. The bricks are green about 30 inches up. I am saving the interior painting until July.We reorganized the office yesterday, have box to donate and big box to burn and 7 boxes going to Hanks. We will be picking up a log of logs next weekend to split for fire wood next winter.

Today I am vacumning, washing dog beds and doing regular laundry. I have some fresh squash to cook yummie love fresh and free.

Little Hank has an awards program tomorrow and graduates Monday, have to design that LSU queen size quilt sometime this coming week, has to be finished by August 6th. Way to go Girl.

Good morning BRO. Have a nice day and pick a small job and complete it.

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another Day In Retirement

Went to visit my friend Jean, she had a knee replacement and is not on top of the world, sorry to say, she is having some issues with other functions associated with surgery. Let give her a big shout out, FEEL BETTER!!!! Left there and went to read mags at Books a MIllion and drink coffee, love that! Sewed more silk purses  and have 7 more cut out but tonight my friend brings me a hugh bag od silks so I can make a cazillion bags to sell in October. WHOOHOO

Go to my facebook and see my purses.

Good evening bRo hope you had a great day, have a watch for you, you can see the numbers on this one, your brotherinlaw is giving you one of his.

Have a great evening all.

LOve Patticake

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to The Routine

Time to get back on schedule with the house. The end room is calling as is the washing down of the outside of the house. Indoor painting can be done next month in the air condition. The cottage is complete. whoohoo, just have to move the big Gracie to Blanco Textile Studio. Will be checking sewing machine and selling as many as possible.

Made 4 silk purses yesterday, what fun, thanks to Dolly. Pulled a tie out of Steve's collection yesterday. Gotta watch me. Am off to the post office this morning to mail the packages to the ladies who didn"t get to come. Later today I am going to make a purple purse, what a surprise. Put red beans in the crockpot so there.....

Got such nice Mothers Day Wishes and fixed wafflers for breakfast in my new waffle iron! Watched several good movies as I sewed, thats what I call a great day.

Good morning my western ladies 4 months to go till Pomeroy... Let me hear from you guys. Thanks to Barbara I love reading your emails.

Good morning Bro, nice talking to you yesterday, stay well brother you are all I have as a brother.

I am going to photograph my newest quilt projects as asoon as possible and share them with you.
Working in Hank's office this morning and planning on seeing Jean this week. See you guys tomorrow.

Love Patticake

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Everybody  has left and are returning to their hometowns. I am catching up in my house, grocery shopping, vacumning, laundry etc. Now I am going to catch up on sleep and naps. The quiltshops were great, well 3 out of 4, one wasn't very friendly. We enjoyed BRIGHT HOPES , QUILTED OWL and MAS O MEIN, great discounts, cake, coffee and wonderfil little iced cakes soft drinks.I bought green batting to try alright I bought 3. I bought 4 yards of fabric and had them cut it in the Accucut machine into 2 1/2 inch strips.(Perfect Binding)WHOOHOO

I am taking it easy tomorrow, making wafflers for breakfast and thats  all she is going to do. I need a down day soooooooooooo tomorrow is it.

Have a great day!

HUgs Patticake

Friday, May 6, 2011

Retreat is Almost Over

 What a week we had!!!!!!!!!!! I sewed my brains out and my ears are still ringing from all the chatter we had to have to catch up on everybodies news and some. The projects were fab and I made everyone of them. I pieced  10 tops of various sizes and made Naomi a new doll. My old Bernina 810 didgreat, she is a beautiful work horse. Came away with great giftees and got hit of all scraps and magazines, HALLALLOUA!!!!!!
One more trip into the city today, 2 quilt shops and a short tour and then tomorrow the quilt show and then done till the next one , maybe in March, 2012......

Hello family, I am back home to sleep, hope all did well. The hotel was wonderful and bent over backward several times to give us everything we needed. Thanks to the Ponchatoula Inns and Suites and the Ponchatoula Times newspaperand all the retreat quilters.

Saw Michael yesterday for a few and will catch up with everybody else over the weekend.

Happy Mothers Day BRO

Love Patticake

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Really Ready

I AM, I AM, I AM really ready just waiting to check in to the hotel. I wish all of you were going to be there. The plans are interesting and various. There will be something for everyone and lots of give aways. If there are things left I will save them for Pomeroy Retreat. I planned for 20 and we will have 10 so thre is a lot of extras.

I will be on the computer and cell phone so if I am needed you can find me.

Have a great week!

Bro Stevie's picture is in the Daily Star today, will save it for you.

HUgs Patticake