Secrets from Louisiana

So glad you have stopped by for a visit. We have many secrets here in Louisiana. We are a quilters haven because of all the interesting things we have in our environment to see, smell,taste and feel. Our flowers are like perfume in the evening and the colors explode in your eyes. Our seafood is the best in the world and is bountiful from the Gulf.

The palette is non stopping.

Monday, July 30, 2012

London on Speed

I am a junkie for the London Games, love it all. I have the sewing machine set up so I can sew and watch. Cleaned the house really good last week so that is not a problem. Cooked ahead of time, no problem there. My only problem is I have pieced  7 quilt tops and have layered them so now I have to quilt, ran out of pins. What a problem.

Steve is having a tooth taken out today so Patticake the nurse will take over. I will put him on the sofa near the Tv, this girl is thinking ahead. Thank goodness I don't have a job, as I would have to have a 17 day vacation.

I am going to cut an autumn quilt today and a halloween quilt this afternoon, I am getting ready for the quilt sale in October in Georgia. That is my fuel money sale for the bus travel.

We have 4 birthdays this week. little 6 foot Hank 19, big Hank 41, little Nicolas 9 and my friend Jean 68. My birthday is next on Labor day Septemeber 3rd, 70 big ones and still kicking !

have a great day!

HUgs Patticake 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Great News

Heart Doc says no problems what so ever! All test A-OK, I am a happy camper because these were my last appointments. So From Head to Butt I am good in and out. The only other thing is the is continue losing weight.


Great Visit

Spent some time with Bonnie and Donald, little Donald, Tracy, Jamie and Maria. Big Donald is in no pain thank God the drugs are doing their job. He is still eating lightly so has not wasted away. The big C is everywhere so it is a waiting game at this point. Bonnie is extremely worn out but is still trying to take care of everybody. I offered my services as I am a great care giver, have had lots of practice. Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Aunt etc.
I will keep in close contact and thanks for all the prayers.

I am off to quilt today with my group in Wilma. have a new Christmas quilt to put together, trees, cut, free pattern on the internet.

Steve is off interveiwing for a new job. He is happy when he is busy. Go figure.



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Steve is Back!

Steve's part time job has decreased down to one day a week, nice to have him around again. Going to WW in a few and then to have the echogram and ultrasound at the heart doctoc, just to make sure all is okay.

Sewed this morning and now have 5 tops ready to layer, I am on a ROLL!!!! Haven't made a dent in the stash, what was I thinking, living to 105 I guess. We will see.

Have a few things to do in town and then back to sewing and maybe work on the office, need to get rid of stuff I will never use. I have a laptop that they no longer make virus control for, it still works, has mic.98 second addition program, old phones, cameras etc, got the picture.

Gotta Go!

HUgs Patticake

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mixed News Today

I hate days like this ,got up great , had breakfast and called my special cousin Bonnie in St Bernard. Her husband Big Donald has been fighting the Big C for years. Well now their isn't any more treatment available for him as his numbers have skyrocketed. His time with his family is short. The assistance nurses and social workers have already made contact and are waiting in the wings. I am truely sad.

Went to have my teeth cleaned this afternoon and looked at Steve's exrays, not good. Will speak about this at a later time. Paid the $1000 bill and went to see my brother who is having some transportation issues with one tire. Steve and Mike are up there putting air in it.

Little Hank had 4 wisdom teeth removed today so now he has no wisdom. The bleeding has stopped so now he can sleep the drugs away till tomorrow morning.

I did get 3 quilts ready for batting and pinning, moving right along. Just to sad to quilt tonight. Keep Bonnie, Jacque and Armond in your prayers.

HUgs Patticake

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wonderful Day

Good morning sweet sistra's and brothers! It is raining, what a surprise, it is afterall Louisiana. We say just wait 30 minutes and see what kind  of weather we will have. Such as life in this state, but thank goodness no hurricanes at present.

Steve and I spent the entire day together, really nice and ended it with a great dinner at the best seafood place in the swamp! Oysters and thin fried catfish, what could be better. We stayed up late and watched 2 movies, the last one was Fast Five and it was great.

Of course I quilted while I watched the movies and was thing about some tops that need to be layered and quilted. Today I am putting can goods on board the Rv part of my hurricane prepareness.

Have a great day,

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Great Week

Well the grands are with their Daddy for the weekend and Steve and I can now get back to normal(What ever that is?). I vacumned and steam mopped this morning and packed up all the toys and put them behind the BIG chair till next time. We went to the show yesterday to see Ice Age the Continental Divide, what a great movie, Wanda Scikes as the grandmother was fab.

I did manage to quilt some when they watched the cartoon channel. I did a lot of observations over the pass week and I think the new research is on target, our children and young adults are completely visual in nature. Their auditory skills have not developed as our did because everything in their worlds are visual. Think about it! That is why their would rather text then talk in person. The younger kids have lights, sound with movement(games) and a lite up environment.

Ok enough!

Quilting will be heavy from now till October, will be getting ready for Rats Rally. Going to be in the cottage to see what projects I can finish in a hurry.

Downloaded a app for KIndle so mt Thrive can have lots of free books. It was on Amazon and Google. Soooooooooo easy

PS I would rather talk than text, did you know that about me???????hahaha

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Getting On Track

I use to have time everyday to do this post, what happened? Life is full and demanding so I am going to slow it down a bit. I have the little ones thsd entire week so I can't make any changes just let but come Sunday "HOLD THE BARN DOORS" Don't have a barn but like the expression. Steve is still working part time and has suggested that I go back to work to make money for some BIG trips, Alaska and Maine for several months each. I really think he has lost his marbles. NOT HAPPENING!

It has started to rain finally, these showers really cool us off some, without them he is 95-100 or more degrees, not nice. No hurricans in the gulf so far that would effect us , thank goodness. Sunday I am packing the bus with hurricane supplies so we will be ready to leave if necessary. You know Patticake always ready.

Quilting news, I have almost finished the Pineapple  throw, will put boarders on it probably this afternoon if it rains. Will be making a doll quilt for Naomi tomorrow and will be picking out Saints fabric for Nicolas's new bedroom. I will be picking out Halloween fabric for myself next week in the cottage. Have you noticed the price of everything??? Thank goodness for stashes.  I love my cottage, way forward thinking on my part.

Health news , my eye lazer procedure went fine back to 20/20 vision. Teeth are fine, sugar numbers are normal, all test were good. Only 2 more heart checks next week that I asked for just to be sure all is good, then I am finished for a year. A colon check in 5 years. I am a happy girl.

Wish you all a great week and a happy life.

Hugs patticake