Secrets from Louisiana

So glad you have stopped by for a visit. We have many secrets here in Louisiana. We are a quilters haven because of all the interesting things we have in our environment to see, smell,taste and feel. Our flowers are like perfume in the evening and the colors explode in your eyes. Our seafood is the best in the world and is bountiful from the Gulf.

The palette is non stopping.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July

We had a great day putting my new shelves together in the cottage to display my sewing machines. 2 didn't do it need one more. Next month I will invest in another one. They look so happy, now they each will get a spa day and a good lotion ingestion. I am going to catalog then and sell  3/4 of them. I know WHY WHY ?  It is time I am going to keep about 15 only, my favorites. The entire collection will go on sale as soon as I get them ready. After all how many can you sew on at once? Really!

I am going to sew today and the weekend as everything is done and in order, 12 more machines are in the store room and have to moved to the cottage, they can wait as I lifted many pounds yesterday and my arms are tried. My trunk is full of fabrics and quilt mags to pass on to quilting sisters, that's a another day.

Today is fun stuff, making giftees for the retreat in March

have a great weekend!

Hugs patticake.