Secrets from Louisiana

So glad you have stopped by for a visit. We have many secrets here in Louisiana. We are a quilters haven because of all the interesting things we have in our environment to see, smell,taste and feel. Our flowers are like perfume in the evening and the colors explode in your eyes. Our seafood is the best in the world and is bountiful from the Gulf.

The palette is non stopping.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

We are parked at the RV Ranch Resort and had a wonderful dinner with Rich and Rosie. It is cold today but sunny and I am feeling much better except I must have twisted my knee so now I am hobbling. I will put the heating pad on it and see how they works. I will sew and quilt tomorrow and enjoy the day.

I found a WW Watchers meeting for thursday so I will attend and get my new program materials. Sounds really good, lots of veggies and fruits on the list, right up my alley.

Hello family and friends, hope all are well, I miss you guys.

Love Patticake

Monday, November 29, 2010

Back Alive

Today is a great day, as I sit in the bus in Weathford Texas in Ernie's and Brenda"s front yard trying to understand the new WW program, Steve is washing the bus and Dixie is taking a sun nap. I have been under the weather for 5 days but she is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!Paid monthly bill, on the blog and then the rest of the day I will quilt. WE will be leaving tomorrow heading to Burleson RV Resort.

Had Lunch with BIm Burt and had supper with Brenda yesterday. We will plan what highway to use to bypass Big Dallas.

hugs Patticake

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all my special Turkeys!!!!!!!!! We will be going to cracker barrel in a little while for a nice turkey dinner. We have been packing for our trip and will leave tomorrow. After lunch we will grocery shop and go by the ATM for some cash. I have to pack my quilting stuff and get ready for the big game at 3pm.

The house is decorated for Christmas and gifts are bought. When I come home I will be helping Armand and Tonia get him up and moving.He has been in the hospital for 15 days and is still having some issues.Now they are talking a pacemaker.If you are a diabetic and think this can't happen to you, please think again. This disease kills all major organs without the proper treatment which includes what you eat and how much. Think about that when you don't plan your meals.

Love you guys,

HUgs Patticake

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Busy Day

We got a lot done today. We played, cooked and shopped a little. Mike picked the kids up at 4:00pm so I got a bath!WhoHoo, finally.Doesn't take much to make me happy.We went to the hospital to see Armand, poor guy one issue after another.WE followed Tonia home and weatherized there buses for cold wether and shared a bite to eat.(WEndy Salads)

Tomorrow we will eat at Cracker Barrel at 11am, then Steve and I will grocery shop and watch the Saints Game at 3 O'clock , then pack the bus.
Will leave on Friday for Texas.

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Still BabySitting

Had a great day with all 3 grands, baked 8 dozen cookies, chocolate chip, sugar, oatmeal, peanut butter chip and sandies.Kept the kids busy and then to MD's for lunch and then watched Avatar. Then Mike came home and took them home and little Hank went to have dinner with his Dad. We had pancakes for supper too tried to cook, 3am comes early.

Tomorrow is the last day, then it is time to pack the bus for the Texas trip.Have a great evening and hello to the snowey west!!!!!!!!!Wish I wa there with you guys.

Hugs patticake.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hell Yes WE Won WhoDat Power

What a game, showed them to the door! Looking great even with half the players out with issues. The kiddies have arrived and I will be at MIke's babysitting at 4:45am for the next 3 days then sleep for a while to retune my system, grandma ain't what she was at 30.

We have the tree up and will decorate with the many, many moose sometime today and then maybe off to the show this afternoon. PawPaw is on his own this morning. He is jumping for joy, says he has things to do. My house is clean, laundry is done and blocks are 90% complete.whohoo,whohoo

House is decorated with Christmas but need a few things for outdoors, trip to hobby Lobby is in order, maybe tomorrow because Wed. is cookie making day with all 3 grands, 6,7 and 17 years old. Little Hank all 6 foot of him will be helping me out. He has been accepted at LSU and SLU Universities for next fall. I will really miss him ,he has been the joy in my heart even with his mother bailing out on him. We have all taken up the slack and he has done well.LOVE that boy(man). I have all his quilts saved for his sons if and when he has one or two.Stars, Harry P. and Star Wars.When he was 6 he got his first Harry novel and read that thing cover to cover. When I helped him with his school work he would say I hate reading, then I would find him in a chair curled up with thst big Harry novel just reading away. Hated the readers in school loved the BIgBooks . I would stand in line at midnight to get his book first for him and away he would go reading them in no time. He has 3.98 average as a senior and has completed 4 collage maths all ready and freshman English before he graduates. Guess all that nonreading of the novels paid off.

Now to go and play with Naomi and Nicolas today!!!!!!!!!I only see them about 10 times a year so have to really pack in the good times.

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Crazy Woman At Work

Got up this morning to clean house and get ready for Naomi and Nicolas to visit with me for 4 days, WELL we are talking clean like brand new clean. Started at 8am and it is now almost 2pm and I have done the intire front of the house, moved furniture, put autumn stuff away, steam cleaned the floors, dusted, scrubbed the entire kitchen, my back is screaming!!! DONE for today, bedrooms and bathrooms can wait till tomorrow some time. Christmas quilts are on the wall and the spot for the tree is ready. My indoor yard art is set up and lite, have a big Moose, a deer and a fawn in the corner with Dixie's crate. Merry Chrismoose is on the wall and the freestanding one is on the fireplace. The kitchen is set up with Christmas. I have to do it now as I won't be back home until the 15th.

All the presents are waiting to be wrapped I am ahead of the game. I am going to rest about 30 minutes then start working on my block exchange.(Unless I fall asleep then whenever.

We are going to Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving, ya ya ya I am happy.

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Great Finish

What a day! Had a good time at quilt meeting, worked on my blocks,grocery shopped and grilled. I even walked the dog, even the dog was surprised! We unloaded the trailer with the backhoe. 15 foot long oak trees for fire wood. Does it ever get easy???? When that wood is keeping this house warm this winter I will forget all the work.

Armand is doing good but is still not getting around as much as he should, needs to walk more.

Have a great evening,

Hugs patticake

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beautiful Day with My Brother

Have been busy today, lost 2.6 lbs at WW, took Dixie for a bath, cleans her beds, took my brother to lunch,cleaned the freezers and am taking Steve to lecture on rediscovering sound, my DH really needs it.

Visited with Armand Pichoff and Tonia last night, he has been moved to the cririal care unit. He is coming along, was sitting up and drifting in and out as she attemped to feed him. His eyes were really blue again not gray. As you need death your eyes turn gray, I check every morning to make sure mine are brown.heheheeeeeeeee

Tomorrow is quilt guild day, I haven't been in 2 months so I am excited about going.Queen Bees are a lot of fun.

Hugs Patticake

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Up and Rocking

What a great day, the sun finally came out and I am full of energy. I luv it when I can jump out of bed and feel like I was 30 again, when that happens I will let you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rally feel great and sat at the Chamber today and greeted new comers. Read my new Mags and planned our Christmas Eve get together menu, no weightwatcher treats on this one, my one day a year to enjoy a taste of things I wouldn't normally eat. Just little tastes! Thanksgiving is planned, a simple meal with the regular fare. Everybody is bring stuff so I have little to do.Yea!!!!!!!!!! ave a great day and remember random acts of kindness are in order.

HUgs Patticake

We are leaving the next day so won't have any left overs.H

Monday, November 15, 2010

She's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning sweet followers. Yes she is back 100%. As the day went on I started to feel better and better. Slept all night, ate thsi morning and even drank coffee, first since last Wed. WOW It is rainning and has rained all night and will rain all day. I have some places to be and then will sew the rest of the day.

Guess who we spoke to, ARMAND from the ICU. ,he is making good progress and was happy to speak to his buddy Steve. We will try to visit later today or tomorrow.Checked with cousin Bonnie and Donald is having a really bad reaction to his cancer treatment so he is sleeping most of the time. Brother Steve was enjoying movies with his son Stevie who visits on the weekend from his group home.Son Hank came back from Texas trip and visited. Son Mike came and fixed the roof this weekend and texted sweet little 6 foot Hank who was at this mothers.Can't believe everybody did well with me sleeping in the bed since last Wed. hahahahaahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa

Thanks to everybody in Texas LSB for checking on Armand, I let Tonia Know.

Hugs Patticake

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Better Morning

Lasted all of 30 minutes and had to take a nap. Got up from the nap and feeling pretty good. Crazy not hungry and still can't look in the frig, but on the mend. Taking it easy again today, a little sewing and some cutting out some state outlines.

Update on Armand, blood pressure good, sugar 300 and kidneys are using machanical system for getting the fluid down.Tonia is hanging in, working and sitting her job is 5 minutes from the hospital and he is in ICU so limited visitation. When he goes to a heart unit I will be well enough to help.

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Creeping Along

Was in bed most of the day, sooooooooo unlike me. Don't feel well enough to shower so did the hospital thing. Maybe tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff that needs to be done but will have to wait. I did eat some chicken soup last night and kept it down but not in.Sorry toooooo much information. Mike and Steve are going to fix the door I torn off the hinges when I passed out . That was the strangest feeling, here today gone the next.

I don't feel like doing anything, not even quilting, couldn't even drink coffee, must be the end of the world.

Armand continues to improve slowly and is not real nice at the moment, I think this is recovery behavior after major surgery. Will keep up with Tonia by phone wouldn't want to give her this stuff.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Hugs Patticake

Friday, November 12, 2010

48 hour virus

This is one sick puppy! Both ends working and passed out last night in the bathroom and took the door off its hinges. Steve though it was alimb hitting the roof so no help from him, just had to wait to come to. We have an appointmeny for his deafness next Wed.

This is a short note as I am going back to bed. Armand is improving from open heart surgery.

Bye for now

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanking God for his Love

Yesterday started like any other foe Steve and I but quickly changed at 1pm.Tonia called to say that Armand has been admitted to the emergency room in Covington Louisiana, he had really bad reflux the night before and was feeling worse as the night and day continued. Well you gess it he had had areally bad heart attact at home and was unaware as to what it was. It was so extentive he had to have emergency open heart surgery as soon as his body hit the area. All had to be replaced open heart surgery for 5 hours he was on the table. He made it through and is in ICU, just coming around a little this morning> We got there at 2pm yesterday and finally drove his truck home and got home at 11pm. Her family started to arrive during the late evening as they live all over the place.

I spoke to her this morning and she saw him for a few minutes, he is just starting to wake up and is angry because he has never been in the hospital before and thinks he is just sick and is ready to go home. We are not telling him anything different.They were going to be traveling with us at Thanksgiving, good thing this didn't happen when he was driving his bus in Texas.

I am trying to destress,cut recipes and taped them in my notebook, sewed a little and will cook after I shower. Life is iffie at times so make each day and moment count with the ones you love and the ones you don't like so much because you never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will try to be more upbeat tomorrow, just tooooooooooooo tried today and worried about my friend, he thinks carrot cake is a vegetable and pumpkin pie is a fruit.

Hugs Patticake

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Long Day

WOW from 4am to 5:30pm, with small children and everybody came out alive!!!No more of that this week. Will be doing WW this morning and then grocery shopping, fresh veggies needed.

Will stop in and do the shops' billing and then the day is mine, MINE all mine. Will finish my stocking and get my package ready to mail. I will get to vacumning on Friday, house is in good shape, cottage is in good order, I am ahead of the game, and Christmas presents need to be wrapped, will do that over the weekend.The week of thanksgiving the kids and I will put up the decorations because I won't be home till Dec. 15th. WHOPPIE fun in Texas.

Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs Patticake

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Big Good Morning All

I am working at the daycare this day so had to get up early to get some things done. Made my lunch, cut my ss stocking will stitch this evening, made my lunch, passed the dust mop and planned supper. What a WOMAN!!!!!

Once I sew and quilt tonight my package will be almost ready to go, just need the candy to put in it. My exchange blocks are almost ready to put together and then stitch. Christmas is done! Got Steve the neetish gagets yesterday. Mike and Hank are always losing keys so I found some key finder gagets for them, way kool. I need to wrap them all this week if I have time. Depends on how many days I work this week. Work really interfers with my fum activities, but my cousin Joanna really needs me at this time in her life, some real issues in that home. Hopefully they will be out of the house in 2 weeks.

I am a care giver can't you tell!!!!!!!!!It is my lifes work.heheehehehehe
have a great day.

Hugs Patticake

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What a Game

34 to 3 SAINTS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That makes my day and evening. We got home really late from the family wedding in New Orleans. We got home at 11:30 pm last night so we slept in this morning.The wedding was beatuiful just perfect.

Didn't get much quilting today did some shopping with Michael, he really needed some clothes and shoes.I had these 20 dollar coupons for JC Penneys, really makes shopping nice.

Steve put the face plate on Armond tow car today, took all day, just need to wire it later this week.We cleaned our rig yesterday from top to bottom, really nice with Fabulosa(of course the purple one) it cleans everything.

Talk to Ernie and let him know that we would be stopping by at the end of the month. am looking forward to the visit.

Hugs Patticake

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Busy Day Yesterday

What a day yesterday, dog for a bath, hair and nails dome, moniyor Hank's shop. complete a spreadsheet for the week, cook diner, WOW. Today is better, shop with Steve and quilt until we leave for New Orleans for a wedding tonight, plans just changed according to DH, clean the coach ,quilt tomorrow.

I am easy so that works for me. I have been collecting my secret santa stuff and only need the stocking and candy. Easy Peasie!!!

Have a great weekend.

Hugs Patticake

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Slow Start

Got up feeling like I could throwup and sit on the moddie at the same time. I wined for a few hours and after multi-trips to the moddie I started feeling fine about 11:30 and got hungry. Thanks goodness thats over with.I think the eggplant I ate for supper did a number on my digestive system.Enough of that!!!!!!

It is winter time in Louisiana, into the 30's tonight and in the 50's tomorrow and all weekend, yea sewing weather and feeling good weather.

We are still running the business Hank won't be home until Sat. I plan on sewing over the weekend so have blocks ready to put together. Need to make a stocking, and some other items for my exchange and 25 gift bags. Have plenty to do so here we go--------->

Hugs Patticake

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 Inches of Rain

More rain and now since we clea)red the roof of straw, we have a wonderful leak in my sewing area, can be fixed as soon as it stops raining , nothing hurt just ceiling tiles that can be painted. Can't let a little rain hurt my parade!

Lots to do today, mail Naomi's birthday package, exchange sizes on Christmas items, WW, work at Hanks,cut more parts for my block exchange, start secret santa package and work at Hanks.

Have a great day.

Hugs patticake

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rain at Last

It has rained all night and will rain for 2 more days. We really needed it, way behind on moisture. The dog is under my table, she gets really scared when it rains or we have thunder. My mother was the same way, she didn't get under the table but would put a pillow over her head during a storm.
We will be running the shop this week for Biggems(Big Hank), I get to cook breakfast for little Hank this morning, yea love that boy.Spend the afternoon with him yesterday, when they are 17 years old every shared moment is wonderful because he will probably go to LSU next year. He is in SLU University 1/2 time while he finishes high school. When he grad. in May he will have 5 collage courses finished, all his maths and one English and a Biology. Smart Kid, we all were good students, Education and Work were our 2 goals in life.

I am working on my blocks at the shop, cutting small parts. Secret Santa is next.

Have a great day!

HUgs Patticake

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hell Yes WE Won WhoDat Power

What a game, our boys played a good team and won 20 to 10. My phone battery was low so I turned it of Steph so I didn't get your text till this morning. SORRY

I have been following the Oregon Ducks, what a record-Go Ducks!!!

I went shopping this morning with my $10 free coupons from Penneys and my 25 $ off coupon and I have finished my Christmas shopping, GO GIRL!!! I buy usable gifts and everybody gets the same thing of course some are male and some are female styles, for example one year they all got good knives, another years they all got memory form pillows, one year robes-- so on so on!!

I bought Naomi a Barbie for her birthday and will have to get it in the mail tomorrow, her birthday is the 6th and of course I am sending Nicolas a starwar shirt in the package.

Have a great day!!!!

Hugs patticake